"We Know More Than You Do About Evolution"

Friday, August 10, 2007

Week 9 Thing 23 The End

For a while I was so behind, I thought I'd never reach THE END, but here I am! I started out not terribly enthusiastic about doing this project, but I'm glad I did. I learned many new things about different services on the Internet that I never knew existed. Some were useful, some were fun, some were a little of both. And sometimes I felt like my brain was on "overload". I'm definitely not a techno-geek and was unfamiliar with alot of the techie lingo. Thankfully, I had a few coworkers who were willing to take my hand and lead me during some of those confusing parts. But most of it, I did "all by myself"! Being a part-time employee with lots of duties, plus being out on vacation for 2 weeks left me with little extra time to do this assignment. I know other colleagues who feel the same way -- they'd like to do this, but where do you find the time? But I got thru it, and I hope to have more time to spend reviewing some of the things I learned. I liked having the freedom to be able to do some of this at home, and if another program of this type were offered, I'd be interested in participating.


Gail Griffith said...

Congratulations on finishing! And...I enjoyed reading your blog.

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